This year we celebrated thanksgiving with Mother, as well as Audun and Annina. We did it on Monday, as Mother's flight back to the US was on the actual day, and Audun and Annina came on the weekend before. I had arranged to have a whole week off so that I could give my visitors my undevided attention. We had a great time!
Thanksgiving Dinner was organic turkey, cranberry relish, waldorf salad, bakes sweet potatoes and corn on the cob. The turkey was actually breast and thigh filets that I had gotten at 50% off a couple of weeks before, not realizing that there would be organic whole turkeys in the store only a week later. Still, since organic turkey costs a fortune, I don't regret getting them on sale. The only problem was the stuffing, which is a must in this house, especially for Audun. What I did, was make stuffing ann put it in a casserole dish. Then covered it with the turkey, marinade and corn on the cob - which incidentally was from Thailand - and baked it in the oven. It came out tasting delicious, though a somewhat looser consistency than when it has been packed inside a turkey's belly. For desert we had pumpkin chiffon pie.
During this visit we also introduced Mother to Carcasonne. I had aquired some new extentions that Audun and Annina didn't know, while the whole game was new to Mother. After Audun and Annina had gone back to Trondheim, Mother and I played twice more, and she became quite enthusiastic about the game.