Saturday, July 12, 2008

Home again

Once home it seems we have been on the run all afternoon/evening: Husband unpacked, then mowed the lawn, vacuumed where Funky has left a trail of sawdust and the birds have been spitting seeds and feathers, and picked strawberries. I picked up Topsy who had had an adventurous farm vacation complete with bicycle accident. She had to have stitches and antibiotics, but Andrea, the dog-sitter had taken care of everything, taking her to the horse clinic just down the road, and she has healed up just fine. Not even limping anymore. Afterwards, I unpacked, sorted and started laundry, and went through my mail, canceling books from my 2 book clubs, and making a list of things to take care of after the weekend. In the mail was a speeding ticket. Believe it or not, driving 88 km/h in an 80 zone is going to cost me $320! I am never going to speed again. Finally I picked up Blubbulf (my beta fish), and started washing 3 weeks worth of eggs. For dinner we had omelet (we'll be eating a lot of eggs for a while) and peas from the garden.

Started getting caught up with the garden today. Pulled up all the turnips and radishes, getting two large bowls of each. I expected them to be both wormy and woody, and was surprised to find that the ones I cut up for salad today were clean and tender. Two heads of lettuce had gone to seed so I pulled them up, but there is more lettuce as well as arucula, new zealand spinach, sugar peas, and for the first time ever scallions! The corn is getting close to knee high, the zuccini is blooming, the beans and kale, onions and carrots are looking good. A second sowing of lettuce has just come up. In the flower garden I see that I missed my new iris', though I'm happy to see that they did in fact bloom. Hopefully they will survive another winter so that I can enjoy them next year. The clematis and honeysuckle have grown, still no flowers though. In front of the cabin the poppies and lupines which were blooming when I left are done; peonies, lilies, roses and delfiniums are blooming instead. The herbs are all doing well; in the sandy bed on the south side of the house, lavender and flax are blooming, while the chamomile is going to seed. My indoor vegetables this year consist of a cucumber, a tomato, a melon and several peppers. The tomato is so heavy with green fruit that the branches were breaking off the stem. The melon actually has a melon on it and another threatening. But I'm dissapointed in the cucumber. So far the female blossoms have all dried up and come to nothing. There are a few more blooming right now, if they dry up too I'm throwing it out.

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