I got the idea to write this post this afternoon. I was sitting on the porch freezing Kale. It was a lovely warm (for the season) afternoon, with the late afternoon sunlight flooding the garden. While I worked I was watching the cats.
We have 4 cats. They are Puseline, the mother and oldest, 6 yrs old. Daughter Piril is 5 years, son Garfunkle, 4 years and newcomer Fluffy, who is 2 years. Fluffy actually belongs to Irene (as Piril belongs to Audun, except that Piril has been living here off and on since birth and all the time for the past 3 years). Since Irene can't have a cat where she is living she brought her here. Fluffy used to be an indoor cat and she absolutely loves the outdoors.
Now Puseline is the boss cat, though Piril has been challenging her constantly. The problem is that Puseline takes off for weeks and months at a time in the summer, so Piril doesn't want to give up top cat status when she comes back for the winter. This year however her sovereinty is undisputed. Piril and Fluffy are much too busy spatting between themselves.
Just now Piril went in through the cat door. Immediatly afterward Fluffy showed up from under the veranda. They had a little fight on each side of the cat door, growling and spitting and hitting the swinging flap with their paws so that it swung wildly rattling back and forth - until Topsy came to break it up.
Piril's favorite trick is to wait until Fluffy has climbed onto the roof, and then sit on the railing so that she can't get down, without landing on her. Garfunkle as the only boy, doesn't participate in all the power struggles. He just lies there and looks lordly.
I want to end this post with a memorial picture of Sebastian, who was with us for 12 years, and whom we had to have put down last winter because of a skin condition.
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