Thursday, January 14, 2010

In the bleak midwinter...

...frosty winds may moan
Earth stood hard as iron
Water like a stone.
Snow had fallen snow on snow...

Since the snowstorm of Christmas night, we have been in the gripps of a cold spell so severe, it makes you wonder what the fuss about global warming was all about. This morning for the first time in 3 weeks we are seeing temperatures warmer than 5 (F) - and not a whole lot warmer. Temps around here have been down to 25 below zero some places.

Husband has been sick again. He called me on Saturday morning (I was still at work) because he had the sore throat from hell and a fever. In spite of running temperatures of 103 - 104 all weekend, he insisted on going to work on Monday. A co-worker who happened to come by to inspect the boars found him sitting in a pen.

- "are you sitting there?"

- "I guess so"

- " are you sick"

- " I guess I am"

- "I'll help you finish up. How far have you gotten?"

- "I've finished feeding"

- "yes, I can see that." (the boars are all busily eating at their trouphs) Have you cleaned the pens?"

- " I think so"

But it didn't look like it. Husband couldn't remember what he had done or how he had come to be sitting in a pen about half way down the row. Back at home, after finishing up the chores together he took his temperature: it was 105. Fortunately the experience convinced him that some sick leave was in order, and he is now, after a couple days of R&R, back at work and cycling none the worse for wear, other than clogged sinuses.

Two weeks of school have passed in a flash. I have decided on a subject for my final paper: awareness in anesthesia and what can be done to relieve distress connected with such an experience. On monday I start another 12 weeks of practice nursing on the anesthesia unit in Hamar. My self confidence is at an ebb right now. My age is against me, and my academic results are no more than average - how easy will it be to get a job as nurse anesthetist? Actually there is an opening now in Elverum for the spring. I intend to apply, but hold no great hopes out. My resolution to have a positive outlook is a bit frayed at the edges. It started out okay, but after the first week of school I found my motivation slipping and my temper flaring at the least provocation. Working out seems to help - surprisingly. I dragged myself to the gym, sat there peddling the stationary bike to music and cursing to myself for wasting an hour on something that just made me feel more exhausted, and all my muscles hurt, but afterwards, miraculously my good humor and positive outlook had returned. For a while.

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