The first week of the new year was mostly about being sick. I've been anemic lately and it seem when that happens I pick up every virus that is going around. So, right after Christmas I had a 24-hour stomach bug (diarrhea and vomiting - yech) and then right after new years I came down with a bad cold.
It started out with an excruciatingly painful sore and hoarse throat, but since I didn't have fever I went to work. By the time my day off rolled around I had developed a fever of 102.2 and spent all that day on the sofa dying. Woke up friday feeling so much better and ready to start a four day work weekend. The fever was gone, the sore throat was gone. All that was left was a couph and a runny nose.
That couph was keeping me up at night. By the time I was done with the first evening shift of the weekend I was exhausted having not slept properly for several nights. I collapsed in bed and quickly dropped off - only to be woken by a poke in the side. This sent me into a fit of couphing. When it was over I was just dropping off when another poke in the side had me wide awake and couphing again. Apparently every time I fell asleep (on my back - the only position that didn't have me couphing) I would start snoring loudly. After about an hour of this I gave up and went to find the guest room where I can snore and couph and spit phlegm without keeping anyone awake, only to find a bike on the bed. I spent that night on the sofa, and by the next the bike had been taken away.
You see, husband has been bitten by the bicycle bug. He has 3 expensive bicycles. Too expensive to keep in the garage, you see, and so they are distributed around the house - and one of them was on the bed in the guest room. After I pointed out the need to use the guest bedroom for a couphing and snoring retreat, he very kindly moved the bike someplace else.
Nice bike - and very nice botle cages - carbon you see. And look at the pedals, also Carbon and very expensive. Your husband