Birthday boys
We spent the weekend in Folldal, the valley where Husband comes from and where his parents and brother live. The primary occasion was the 8th birthday of Husband's nephew, as well as the 70th birthday of his father. However the weekend was overshadowed by the fact that Husbands mother was diagnosed with bone metastases of her breast cancer a few weeks ago. She is experiencing pathological fractures in her pelvis which cause a good bit of pain, as well as anemia due to impairment of blood formation. The prognosis is uncertain but definitly not good. She can get around the house with a walker, but hardly gets out of the house as steps are a real problem. This is all very saddening for the whole family.
I am so sorry to hear about husband's mother. That does not sound too good, no. But I am sure they were all glad to see you and have a little celebration.