What possessed us to choose Døla-uka as our summer orienteering event, and travel 3 hours to a part of Norway where it has been known to snow in july? It was 13 degrees C and pouring rain when we left home, as we progressed north up the valley, the temperature dropped steadily to only 7 degrees C on arrival, though the rain had let up somewhat.
Husband relaxing in the spacious living room with Lucy at his feet.
One of the families in our orienteering club has 3 large cabins that they rent out. For this occasion club members were invited to live there for free. The cabin is spacious, with running hot and cold water, electricity, fully supplied kitchen, tv and fireplace. Staying in our cabin besides husband and myself and Lucy (our dog), are a single man, and two families with 2 children each. It is quite a challenge for our shy dog, not only to be in a strange house, but to share that house with so many strangers. We talked to all the childreen about ignoring her, and not trying to pet her, nevertheless one little boy did try to pet her and got snapped at for his trouble. No harm done, and hopefully he learned his lesson, but it shows that we have to supervise Lucy constantly. So I was glad that I had brought along the travel crate, so we could put her away occasionally.

The event arena for the first run was in walking distance from the cabins. No sooner was the club tent up than a veritable downpour started. I ran a 2 km A-level course for the sprint. I had expected a much more difficult course. Really, I only had difficulty with the first controll, as it took awhile for me to get my bearings. When I compared mine with husband's C-level course, I really couldn't see the difference in difficulty. Husband won his run. I was last in my class (women 50-54), but second to last of all who ran that course. Ah well.
Husband won. His prize, appropriatly was a towel. It was pouring rain.

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