Wednesday we had woken to snow. On Friday, however, the weather shifted to above freezing and all the snow rained and melted off, leaving the farm dark and wet. We left early on Christmas eve and drove the 4 ½ hours to Folldal, gradually moving from mild and and wet to old snow, not yet melted and then in the mountains and in Foldal, beautifull winter with 10" of new snow and frosty mountains towering white over it all. We spent a hectic day visiting all the Folldal in-laws. It was pleasant, and especially gratifying to know that just being there was the best gift we could have given Father-in-law.
Husband with Peach
Early Christmas day, right after breakfast we left for home. The roads were empty, and we made good time with husband speeding along the empty roads at 120 km/hr. He did get caught by at least two photo-boxes set up to catch speeders, so I fear the 30 minutes we saved came dear. In Østfold it is still well above freezing. The cats had gotten out of the hallway, but not for long I believe, as the Christmas tree was still intact. We put on some Christmas music, lit the Christmas incense and the candles on the tree and enjoyed Christmas with cookies and gløgg in our own home.
I spent monday morning laying down good routines for the dogs: the walk behind the tool sheds to potty. Seperatly and on leash. Lying in their bed / crate in the house so as not to get underfoot. Playing recall games. My goal is to get an outstanding recall from Lucy, before letting her loose in the woods and yard. Kaisa, the farm dog has has a bad experience with visiting dogs a few years ago so I want to prepare their aquaintance as carefully as possible, but also to avvoid deer and cow chasing.
Tuesday we started to find out things like how to get milk from the tank, where to get firewood, and how the recycling system works. Also I drove to the nearby village of Spydeberg, to do some shopping. I was dissapointed in the lack of organic produce and dairy at the Mega, which is the supermarket I got so many good organic stuff from at our old home. But I discovered a large sports store, a pharmacy, a book store and a bakery right around the Mega. There were two other large supermarkets as well and I intend to have a look around next time I go shopping to see whether there is organic produce there. I did get a tree and a Christmas sheaf while I was there, and husband got to work hanging up the bird feeder. We have finished unpacking the kitchen, and made the bedroom presentable so that we can sleep away from the feline tyranny of last night. There are still a lot of books and clothes to unpack, not to speak of all the boxes we stowed in the attic. Might not get to those until after Christmas.