Puseline having some water laced with Rescue Remedy
I've been puttering about all day, packing up the kitchen, the food, every last minute thing. Actually I'm a bit of a veteran. Between 1989 and 1995 I moved 6 times! To tell the truth, I find it fun! Especially since we decided to pay someone to clean the house afterwards.
Husband just finds it stressfull. Not to speak of the critters. This morning when we took out a bunch of furniture that we are getting rid of, for Husband to burn (the new house is much smaller than our present home), the dogs just about went crazy. They see we are getting ready for a trip and they are afraid we are leaving them behind. The cats are reacting too, though that seems to be mainly because we closed off the cat door and aren't letting them out anymore. While the dogs had to be ordered into their bed / crate to keep them from running around attacking the cats and each other, the cats are spending a lot of time meowing in front of the door. I had to dig into the box at the bottom of which I had packed my Bach Flower Remedies to make up a bottle of rescue remedy with which to dose the animals and Husband.
Anyway, we are done now. After breakfast tomorrow we are packing the animals into one car and all their stuff pluss whatever we have room for in the other and are heading down to Østfold. I will stay at the new house. Husband will return. The movers are expected at 8 am on monday.
We don't know when we'll have our internet hooked up in the new house. Hopefully on monday, though I fear it might not be until the new year. I sincerely hope not. We gave the company about 2 months notice, but it would be typical. Anyway, I'll be back with a new post as soon as we have internet. Below: a picture of the kitty crates ready for the trip. I was hoping the cats would be curious and explore them, but so far, no luck.

Lucy posing in her crate, kitty crates stacked alongside.
Animals always seem to know what's going on. When we're packing for vacations, our cats and dogs have always sensed that something was going to happen, even if they weren't going anywhere!