I spent this weekend at a 2 day agility trial 1 1/2 hours drive north of where we live. The weather was hot and sunny, always a challenge for Lucy and I have lost count of all the times I hosed her down with water to keep her lively. We set up my stool and pack and her crate in the shade of a tent. Most agility people set up a tent along the perimeter of the courses so there was plenty to choose from.
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Sunday's agility course |
We ran 2 agility courses and 2 jumpers courses. Lucy started out with a 10th place in agility for which she got a prize, after which her placement gradually deteriorated with an 11th place in the jumpers on Saturday, and on Sunday, 14th place in Agility and 25th in the Jumpers course. It is interesting that she is placing better in Agility than in Jumpers courses this year. I think the reason is that we don't have as many faults and disqualifications. I am finding it easier to memorize the course and so have more continual focus on Lucy. The jumpers courses are generally faster and so though Lucy's precision is much improved since last year, her lack of enthusiasm is showing.
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Lucy with her prize |
As usual it is not hard to pin-point where I am the cause of her slowness. She ran a perfect course on Saturday's jumpers but oh so slowly. Like sirup through the weavepoles and taking her time trotting through the tunnels. I have been told that I need to show more enthusiasm myself and fire up my dog more with my voice. I tried it on Sunday,and sure enough, in this film from the jumpers course she shows much better speed and enthusiasm.
It was the weave poles that got us. In Moss she had shown problems finding entries. This we have practiced, and she showed no difficulty there. Now the problem is staying in the poles to the bitter end. So that is what we must go home and practice now.
That video was fun. :)
I know haha Lucy was doing so well before she tripped up that last one, it was so funny :p but well done!