Friday, May 2, 2014

Oh ye of little faith...

6 weeks ago, when I was in California, I lost my wallet. It was a major inconvenience, but I was able to keep my calm and look for the lessons in this experience.

For many years I have been scattered, unconcentrated, constantly losing things, forgetting appointments, where I put things, what I was going to do; somehow only just able to cope with the realities of day to day living. I like to say it started when my first child was born. “AmmetÃ¥ke” they call it in Norwegian. It means something like “nursing fog”. Only it didn't go away, when I stopped nursing, and has been a bone of contention throughout my second marriage, though, I must say, not so much since I started working with mindfulness and meditation. In fact I've been noticing lately how much more grounded I seem to be. I haven't forgotten something when going to work (key card, cell phone, wallet, water bottle etc) for weeks, and I've had no difficulty remembering appointments or organizing my day...

Then, yesterday I thought I had lost my wallet again. I couldn't find it anywhere, I just remembered having had it at the gas station when I filled the car with diesel. A feeling of black hopelessness came over me. It all seemed for nothing, all this spiritual work, all this practice of mindfulness, living in the here and now, of meditation and affirmations, of trying to change my paradigm from one of separation and each man for himself, to one of oneness with the universe, as it taught in the Course in Miracles. I felt endlessly alone and disillusioned. I just wanted to sit down and give up. The thought that I would continue to sabotage my own wellbeing, and that there was no way to avoid it filled me with dread. Then my wallet showed up again.

But I am shaken. I am shaken by how quickly I was ready to believe that it is all a hoax, and that there is nothing to be learned by indulging in spiritual practices, other than self delusion. I realize that I have a long way still to go before I can stand fast in the face of adversity, and not lose my faith in the fundamental goodness and meaningfulness of Life and the Universe.