Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dancing Queen!

Ingvild had her first public dance performance this weekend. Audun, Tormod and Irene came for dinner, then we all went to see Ingvild and her classmates dance. They showed us flamenco, argentine tango, line dance, character dance, hip hop and lyrical jazz dance. When they danced argentine tango Ingvild was the boy. I remember one evening she practiced with me in the kitchen, and boy, can she lead! Character dance, is a type of classic ballet which imitates a dancing tradition, in this case Russian folk dance. The lyrical jazzdance was beautifull! It was great to see what Ingvild has been learning. She said she enjoys performing. Good that she doesn't have stage fright. I think she dances quite well, and I look forward to future performances.

I always enjoy gathering the children. Not that I see much of them. Even Audun who came down on sunday afternoon. His schedule exactly dovetailes with mine so that I didn't get time with him either: first he was tired from partying the night before, so he went to bed right after dinner for a nap. He woke up just as I was going to bed, and went back to bed just before I got up in the morning.
Whenever I gather the children they seem to have a great need for each other's company. I'm happy to see that. I can always talk to them when I see them or call them on their own.

Life is good! The days are sunny and warm. I have spent hours every morning digging in the earth, moving plants around, spreading compost, weeding.

I love my job! I love working hand in glove with the interns, with most of them I make a good team. I love being able to help the patients, to know what's going on, what the potential problems are, and what to do to solve them. I love the people as well. I feel like I am doing good deeds every day!

Good news from the US. The doctors are happy with Father's progress. No more dialysis so far. And he seems to be responding to the new chemo regime, and tolerating it well. Mother too, is making progress. She has been cleared for driving this weekend!

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