Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day off

Since coming home from Crete, I have either had an evening shift, been going onto or coming off a night shift. Today is my first full day off.
Woke up to frost on the grass, clear skies and a golden sunrise. Though I had to scrape ice off the car after work yesterday, this was our first frost here at home. I hurried to pack the onions which have been drying on the porch into paper bags and bring them inside, then turn off the outside water faucet so that it won't freeze.
After breakfast we took a short walk with Topsy before going to the gym. Really got my pulse up during the spinning class today. Perhaps it is a good idea to walk the dog first, so as to warm up, prior to the real work-out. It was a good workout and left me in a good mood.
While Husband was feeding his pigs I did the laundry, went shopping and started on dinner. Audun called while I was at the store. He was mystery shopping at different stores all around Mjøsa including Stange today and wanted to come by. It was so nice to see him! We haven't been in touch since Irene's birthday dinner, except for an e-mail while I was in Crete. Audun brought Ingvild home who has spent the last 2 days with her sister. The girls have their autumn break this week. We had a great visit over dinner. Audun couldn't stay long as he still had a couple of stores to do before his red cross youth meeting this evening. But was able to give him the honey and olive oil that I'd brought for him from Crete and a box of eggs.
Dinner was a new recipe: pasta primavera, though it should have been called pasta autumna as the veggies involved were cantarelles, broccoli, cauliflower, red bell pepper and the beans that I picked the other day. It was really yummy and everyone liked it.
After Audun left we walked the dog again, I sat down to knit on Irene's sweater while finishing Bridget Jones Diary , laughing myself silly over the part where she writes christmas cards while drunk. Did 45 minutes of Pilates this evening, watched an episode of Desperate Housewives and called Mother and Father, to get some advice about the absentee ballot which arrived in the mail today. I mean I know who I'm going to vote for for president, it was the other offices I needed advice on. Father told me about taking Tormod to get his drivers licence, and how he finally passed his road test.
All in all it was a good day. Tomorrow I start a series of 5 night shifts followed by a couple of evenings and a dayshift, making 9 consecutive days of work.

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