Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Job Interview and a dog fight

Today I had a jobinterview with a temp company called Jobzone. They were looking for a nurse anesthetist for a client. The job was in Oslo, and would be a daytime job, no weekends, evenings or nights. Originally I found the idea of commuting to Oslo prohibitive, but when I thought more about it I thought that if I could work 4 days a week, and have a regular rhythm it might just work. I was really excited when they called to set up an interview, and also kind of scared at the thought of giving up my steady job for a temporary anesthesia job and who knows what that would lead to. But I am determined to try to get an anesthesia job one way or another.

Anyway, this morning I got up at 5 to walk the dogs before taking the 6:55 train to Oslo. It was pouring rain when I walked the dogs, and still pouring rain while I waited at the station. When I got to Oslo I found the subway alright. When I emerged at my destination it was still pouring rain. I followed the instructions I'd been given: exited throught the main doors and discovered the Oslo Business School directly across the street. I walked around the building and at the back I found the Jobzone office.

First I was kept waiting for half an hour. The lady who was doing the interview was held up in traffic. When she arrived she was just. so. nice. After a few minutes she suggested that she call the chief nurse anesthetist of the client - a private clinic in Oslo - and maybe set up an interview right away. When she mentioned the name I realized that it was the name of a clinic to which I had applied a couple of weeks ago, but who had not yet responded.
When she resumed the conversation with: "I will be completely honest with you..." I knew what was coming. They wanted folks with experience.

Why is it that anesthetist managers don't send that letter saying: "thank you for your interrest. But the position has been filled with someone more qualified/we require minimum X years of experience" ? Do they think that their applicants like their patients are unconscious and won't notice if they get a rejection letter or not?

Still had a nice talk with the nurse recruiter and she assured me that she would do what she could to find me a job, she wasn't giving up on Aleris either, sooner or later they might get so desperate that they would take me in spite of my lack of experience (should I even hope for that? - if the reason is that they are not set up to give the backing that new nurse anesthetists need?). Whatever.

It had stopped raining when I returned to the subway and arrived at the train station with an hour to kill. Used it to get Irene a birthday present. Met my dentist waiting for the same train. The latest crisis met me upon my return. Topsy had attacked Lucy again - she has begun attacking her unprovoked. Lucy fought back this time, but when the scuffle was over she was limping on 3 legs. The vet felt around at her paw, couldn't figure out whether it was sprained or broken. Lucy tried to bite her to make her stop, so we muzzled her. Even with a muzzle on she fought to get away, get the muzzle off, bite. She got herself all exhausted. I was a bit worried how she would react when we took the muzzle off, but after only a minute or so she was accepting goodies from the vets hand. So I guess their relationship isn't totally ruined.

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