Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Being Positive

It was one of my new years resolutions for 2010 and I failed miserably at it. Throughout the year I kept hearing complaints about my negative attitude, as I became more aware of it I would catch myself whining, or criticizing. As the new year rolled around I found myself renewing my resolution to aquire a positive attitude. There are people I work with who seem to spread happiness around them. They can make the most overwhelming situation seem fun. I would like to have that sort of influence on other people. I would like to be the one who is able to point out the good side in someone difficult, who can find fun in a challenge, something to lauph at in disaster, hope for in times of crisis, something beautiful in the hideous.

How to accomplish this? Just resolving it doesn't seem to be enough. I think I have to make a plan. Do practical exercises. Here are some examples of exercizes I could do:
  • Every day write down 5 things that make me happy. If all I can think about is what bothers or upsets me find something positive in five of these. In this way I will try to shift my focus.
  • Say something nice (but true) to someone for whom I have indifferent or negative feelings.
  • Do something (out of my own initiative) to make someone happy every week.
  • Do something (out of my own initiative) to make my environment more beautifull every week.

If anyone reading this has comments to these exercizes or suggestions for exercises to increase positivity please post a comment.

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote a long, thoughtful comment, and Blogger ate it =[

    I would do these things, and also work with equanimity. Do a daily review and see where you felt negative. What was going on then? What are your triggers? Observe yourself to see what patterns might be there.

    Then of course we go deeper. What is being served by being negative? Does it help you self-identify, by defining what you are not, through antipathy? Is something lacking that you need? Are you transferring self-criticism onto others?

    This is all tremendously hard work!!
