Saturday, June 11, 2011

Flooding - part 1

The heavy rains of the last week have caused flooding and landslides in the valleys connecting the south of Norway with the north. Especially there has been a lot of flooding of the river that empties into Mjøsa Lake. They say that Mjøsa is expected to rise 2 meters in the next week. Over the next days I mean to document the rise of said lake with pictures from my thinking spot.

Here you can already see how the water is rising in a marshy meadow.

Aproaching my thinking spot I find the little point of land sticking out into Mjøsa practically under water already.

I could still get to the stone that I usually sit on from behind. Sitting on it I watched the dogs exploring in the water, while I listened to the soothing clucking sound it makes against the stones.

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