Saturday, October 15, 2011

Empty Nest, part 2

Going through all the stuff that the kids have stored in the attic brings back bittersweet memories. Youngest son went through all his things when he visited in June. Except for a couple of swords, he said I could get rid of the rest. Ah the memories: like the fantasy figures that he used to paint and repaint when he was 15. All the hats, each representing a different phase of adolescence. Paraphernalia from the years after he moved out, and before he went to America: the period when he volunteered for the mental health orgnisation and the student pub, when he studied media and game design at Hedmark College, from his jobs designing web sites, working as a computer science substitute at the high school, and as security at a couple of bars. Now he is enrolled in the US Air Force as a para-rescue apprentice. I had my last conversation with him on skype today. Tomorrow he is off to start basic training, and for the next 8 weeks (at least) will be unavvailable online, or by phone. All news will be transmitted by his cousin, my nephew-godchild. After living together for 3 years, these two are practically brothers. It is wierd, but I wish him success in the life he has chosen for himself.

Oldest son has moved on as well. He has left the town of his youth, and has moved to the beautiful city of Trondheim, to start a life together with his girlfriend, a lovely german girl, whom he met in Australia, and who has come to Norway to go to University here. I visited them at the end of September. More on that visit when things calm down here.

In October I visited the girls in England. Youngest Daughter is enjoying her new University, Roehampton, and is enthusiastic about her sociology studies. Oldest Daughter continues in Cornwall, and is pursuing her interest in nutrition as therapy next to her english & media studies. A report of my visit with them will also be forthcoming once things calm down.

We will be celebrating The Christmas holidays alone this year. The girls are staying together in Cornwall. Oldest Son is going to Germany with his girlfriend, and Youngest Son is in the Air Force.... The girls invited Husband and me to join them, but we cannot leave the dogs and cats so soon after moving.

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