Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another Day - Another Worry

Today I went to a seminar about the work environment called "Ny dag - Nye Nederlag" (new day - new setbacks). The idea was that by looking hard at how you can make things worse, you can see catch a glimpse of what would make them better. But another aspect of it was that a seminar aiming directly at educating on how to improve the work environment always has a rather serious "get your act together" type of atmosphere and one easily feels overwhelmed by the demands of the situation. On the other hand, this humorous and irreverent approach led to created an atmosphere in which the individual could find an impulse in himself to work towards actually achieving something in improving the work environment.

I'm wondering whether this can be applied to other aspects of life as well. The home environment for example. Now I have, once again, been in a phase of more than usual scatter-brainedness. For example no matter where I go, I seem to forget to take along some essential item (my keys, the dogs leash, my lunch, wallet, towel and shampoo to the gym etc). Add that to leaving the stove on, the water running etc, I sometimes wonder where my head is at.

Somehow in the past 6 months I have sunk into an economic quagmire. For one thing I must have spent more of my student loan money than I was aware of during the 18 months that I was only working half time. In hindsight I probably couldn't really afford the new car that I bought in june either. But I was plugging along with a fair (but unrealistic as it turns out) hope to getting on top of things by christmas when I mislaid a bill in the cronic mess that is my desk. That was in July. I found it in August when Husband had finally pressured me into cleaning up my desk. By that time payday had come and gone, the bills had been paid and my bank account was again empty. So I paid it from my credit card, since I was too embarassed to ask Husband for a loan. Anyway, after that every month seemed to get worse. When all the bills were paid except the credit card bill, I had no money left, so I could only pay the minimum charge, and I was also unable to pay my share of the housekeeping. To top it all off I get a letter from the Student Loan Bank to the effect that they are taking back the grant that they awarded (for having completed my courses) because I had earned too much in 2009 to be eligable. Great! So on top of the steadily increasing credit card and household debts I have a student loan to pay off - and they are going to want interest. At this point Husband (who is the one around here with savings, whereas I live from hand to mouth, in spite of having the greater salary) generously offered to "refinance" me. This is a relief as when I start my new job in February, I will have the extra expenses of commuting 65 miles by train and renting a room to stay overnight when my shifts are really close together. Provided I don't actually end up unemployed. Because though I resigned from my current job two and a half weeks ago I have not yet recieved my employment papers for the new job.

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